aineenvaihdunta – stoffwechsel
Galleria Huuto member artists have made an exhibition to the artist-run gallery plan.d. in Düsseldorf. The theme of the exhibition is metabolism, but also as an exhange of thoughts, ideas and atmospheres, just like in the exhibition that plan.d. artists made to Galleria Huuto.
In the exhibition in Düsseldorf participate Päivi Allonen, Beata Joutsen, Saija Koponen, Nuutti Koskinen, Tiina Mielonen, Pilvi Ojala, Paula Puoskari, Hanna Saarikoski, Maiju Salmenkivi, Katariina Salmijärvi, Laura Ukkonen and Marja Viitahuhta.
The exhibition is supported by Frame Contemporary Art Finland.
plan.d. produzentengalerie e.v.