Huuto I

Robin Clifford Ellis, Sasha Rotts

Shapes of Things to Come

Huuto I 10.10-3.11.2024 Read more

Huuto I past exhibitions

Päivi Allonen
Shell and Core
Huuto I 12.9.-6.10.2024 Read more
Miisa Mäkeläinen
I Cry Red, I See Tears
Huuto I 15.8.-8.9.2024 Read more
Jari Jula
At Lallukka’s Tables
Huuto I 18.7.-11.8.2024 Read more
Emmi Tavela
All Images Disappear
Huuto I 20.6.-14.7.2024 Read more
Katri Naukkarinen
Hot or Not
Huuto I 25.4.-19.5.2024 Read more
Katariina Guthwert
Liminal Pools
Huuto I 28.3.-21.4.2024 Read more
Maria Ylikoski
According to Etiquette
Huuto I 29.2.-24.3.2024 Read more
Rose-Mari Torpo
Huuto I 1.2.-25.2.2024 Read more
Lauri Linna
Green Blue Gold
Huuto I 5.1.-28.1.2024 Read more
Veera Kopsala
The Hunter
Huuto I 23.11.-17.12.2023 Read more
Antti-Ville Reinikainen
Huuto I 26.10.-19.11.2023 Read more
Sampo Malin
Huuto I 28.9.-22.10.2023 Read more
Heidi Naumanen
Primary Light
Huuto I 31.8.-24.9.2023 Read more
Santeri Lehto
LOVER OF LIFE – näkymätön rakkaus
Huuto I 3.8.-27.8.2023 Read more
Karl Ketamo
Farewell to the Landscape
Huuto I 6.7.-30.7.2023 Read more
Jyri Ala-Ruona
HIIT Musings
Huuto I 8.6.-2.7.2023 Read more
Ville Välikangas
The Dream of the Sun
Huuto I 11.5.-4.6.2023 Read more
The Mirror of the Blind
Huuto I 10.3.-2.4.2023 Read more
Laura Pakarinen
Tuntematon hevonen – Okänd häst
Huuto I 10.2.-5.3.2023 Read more
Hans-Peter Schütt
About Being a Being
Huuto I 13.1.-5.2.2023 Read more
Galleria Huudon 20-vuotisjuhlanäyttely
Oooooooh! Huuto’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition
Huuto I 10.12.-31.12.2022 Read more
Lauri Mäkimurto
Higher Taste: Karma Free Paintings
Huuto I 11.11.-4.12.2022 Read more
Margarita Rosselló Ramón
Colourboratory vol. V
Huuto I 14.10.-6.11.2022 Read more
OLD FAG(got), great to be, hehheh
Huuto I 16.9.-9.10.2022 Read more
Veera Nykänen
Creation Story
Huuto I 19.8.-11.9.2022 Read more
Saddam Jumaily
Room without corner – Or no angel cell
Huuto I 22.7.-14.8.2022 Read more
Kholod Hawash
Home Rose
Huuto I 22.7.-14.8.2022 Read more
Jukka Suhonen
Je suis la mort
Huuto I 24.6.-17.7.2022 Read more
Matilda Keränen
Huuto I 27.5.-19.6.2022 Read more
Anna Reivilä
Huuto I 29.4.-22.5.2022 Read more
Kenneth Bamberg
The Sauna Odyssey
Huuto I 1.4.-24.4.2022 Read more
Paavo Paunu
The Burning Bush
Huuto I 4.3.-27.3.2022 Read more
Matilda Enegren
Stay Put
Huuto I 7.1.-30.1.2022 Read more
Peetu Liesinen
Falling into the quicksand of my troubled mind
Huuto I 10.12.2021-2.1.2022 Read more
Petra Vehviläinen
Huuto I 12.11.-5.12.2021 Read more
Christelle Mas
Bio Friction
Huuto I 15.10.2021-7.11.2021 Read more
Simo Mantere
At the Moment Just Like That
Huuto I 17.9.-10.10.2021 Read more
Lauri Kolttola
Trace Environment
Huuto I 20.8.-12.9.2021 Read more
Milla Kuisma
A changing arrangement
Huuto I 23.7.-15.8.2021 Read more
Konsta Huusko
Drainage Area
Huuto I 25.6.-18.7.2021 Read more
Okko Pöyliö
Huuto I 28.5.-20.6.2021 Read more
Hanna Laeslehto
Bananas, pastries and a fine snake
Huuto I 30.4.-23.5.2021 Read more
Iida Valkonen
Huuto I 2.4.-25.4.2021 Read more
Kira Leskinen
Huuto I 5.3.-28.3.2021 Read more
Kaarina Haka
Huuto I 5.2.-28.2.2021 Read more
Marikka Kiirikoff
Soul Camp
Huuto I 8.1.-31.1.2021 Read more
Hanna Vahvaselkä
Huuto I 13.11.-18.12.2020 Read more
Pirjetta Brander
Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens
Huuto I 16.10.-8.11.2020 Read more
Taru Happonen
Huuto I 18.9.-11.10.2020 Read more
Panu Rytkönen
Self-portrait – Sculptures
Huuto I 21.8.-13.9.2020 Read more
Beata Joutsen
Huuto I 24.7.-16.8.2020 Read more
Ville Välikangas
Under the Sky
Huuto I 26.6.-19.7.2020 Read more
Linda Roschier Galleri 54, Kari Yli-Annala, Linda Roschier, Paula Puoskari
Welcome, we open Huuto again on the 2nd of June 2020!
Huuto I Read more
Linda Roschier: Näkemisestä / About seeing Linda Roschier
Huuto I 6.3.-18.6.2020 Read more
Henrik Härkönen: Arms & Attractions Henrik Härkönen
Arms & Attractions
Huuto I 10.1.-2.2.2020 Read more
Janne Kärkkäinen: Loppukesän uni, 71 x 61 cm, 2019 Janne Kärkkäinen
Late summer dream
Huuto I 7.12.-29.12.2019 Read more
Juliana Hyrri
Come I’ll show you
Huuto I 8.11.-1.12.2019 Read more
Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Elham Rahmati, Farbod Fakharzadeh, Helena Aleksandrova, Juha Hilpas, Laureline Tilkin-Franssens, Marloes van Son, Uzair Amjad
The Crew: taco stuffs and life “after” the institution
Huuto I 11.10.-3.11.2019 Read more
Katariina Salmijärvi: Feelings in Black, Galleria Huuto 2019 KATARIINA SALMIJÄRVI
Huuto I 13.9.-6.10.2019 Read more
Hanna Hyy
Nightmares about Empathy
Huuto I 16.8.-8.9.2019 Read more
Anna Pekkala
Free Billy
Huuto I 19.7.-11.8.2019 Read more
Susanna Kesänen
Huuto I 21.6.-14.7.2019 Read more
Maria Nuutinen
Huuto I 24.5.-16.6.2019 Read more
Tuija Markonsalo
Laughing Mummy
Huuto I 26.4.-19.5.2019 Read more
Antti-Ville Reinikainen
Huuto I 29.3.-21.4.2019 Read more
Jussi Puikkonen
Huuto I 1.3.-24.3.2019 Read more
Joel Slotte
Folklore from the middens
Huuto I 1.2.-24.2.2019 Read more
Titti Miettinen
I freeze it at nights. I must.
Huuto I 5.1.-27.1.2019 Read more
Eeva Hannula
Amorphous Writings
Huuto I 23.11.-16.12.2018 Read more
Collin Townsend Velkoff
Sacred Simulations
Huuto I 26.10.-18.11.2018 Read more
Ihana Havo
Huuto I Huuto I 28.9.-21.10.2018 Read more