• Anna Seppälä: Mennään Longinojalle, tussipiirros paperille, 2018
  • Anna Seppälä: Puoli kiloa päivässä, tussi paperille 2018
  • Anna Seppälä: Huonon yön aamu
  • Anna Seppälä: Tilanne päällä mummolassa
  • Anna Seppälä: Suuri putkilo

Anna Seppälä

A special daily life

Huuto IV 5.1.-27.1.2019

Anna Seppälä
A special daily life

My exhibition features a series of ink drawings that depict my special needs child doing his favorite activities. My younger child has autism and a developmental disability. Being his carer is, at the moment, my most important and challenging job. He needs constant adult supervision and support and we occasionally end up in action-packed situations because his motor skills are at a 10-year-old’s level and his sense of judgment is at a 3-year-old’s level. The exhibition also features small series of images that I use when communicating with my child. I draw series of images of things that we have done, making it easier for him to tell at school how his afternoon or weekend went.

I feel that every day my special needs child teaches me important things about humanity, love and what is essential in life. Our daily life often feels tough and monotonous with our strict routines, but at the same time it is meaningful and rewarding. Even though I never would have wished for this path for me, it has offered wonderful treasures that would have remained hidden in the shadows if I was on the easy path.