Simo Ripatti
26 March – 10 April 2016
Galleria Huuto, Jätkä 2
During Easter the gallery has usual opening hours (closed on Monday as usual).
Fall is a spatial work of art based on the moment when one can no longer have an impact on what happens next. What goes through one’s mind at that moment? One will act before the reaction reaches their brain – the reflex is quick and automatic.
My style of expression is rather plain and quiet. Hence, the effectiveness of the works often comes from their subtlety and partly from their surprising nature. When successful, an unassuming and extremely simple work does not answer any questions and does not even ask them, rather it defines the area where questions can be asked. The unassuming nature of the work forces one to stop and think what the work actually is. At its best, the work can also open up new meanings for the viewer and show how much the individual has thought about the theme or how interesting it is. The effectiveness of my works is manifested through their simplicity and unassuming appearance. They are rather loosely connected to their origin, thus leaving room for the viewer’s interpretation.
The exhibition has been supported by:
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Arts Council of Häme
The National Council for Visual Arts
Simo Ripatti
+358 50 581 9775