• Jari Jula: Lallukan Pöydissä, ajatellen Antti Favénin teosta Akseli Gallen-Kallelan 50-vuotispäivien jälkeinen taiteilijajuhla, joka sijaitsee Lallukan juhlasalin seinällä, 2024, öljy, akryyli, hiili ja punaliitu pdflevylle, 131 x 207
  • Jari Jula: Lallukan pöydissä, 2024, öljy, akryyli ja lyijykynä Lallukan juhlasalin pöydän vanhalle verhoilukankaalle, 67,5, x 116,5
  • Jari Jula: Lallukan pöydissä, öljy ja lyijykynä Lallukan juhlasalin pöydän vanhalle verhoilukankaalle, 30 x 42

Jari Jula

At Lallukka’s Tables

Huuto I 18.7.-11.8.2024

Jari Jula
At Lallukka’s Tables
18 July – 11 Aug 2024

The fabrics covering the tables in the banquet hall of the Lallukka Artists’ Home were replaced in the spring of 2023. I asked them to give me the old fabrics if they could be removed without damaging them. The exhibition fea-tures works painted on these old fabrics that have seen numerous celebra-tions.

Some of the pieces were sewn together to create larger pieces. During the work process, I examined the fabrics with stains and other signs of the pass-ing of time until I could see an image on them, which I then supported and added to by painting. The only exception is a larger work painted on an MDF board. It is based on a painting hanging on the wall of the banquet hall, Antti Favén’s (1882–1948) Akseli Gallen-Kallelan 50-vuotispäivien jälkeinen taiteilijajuhla from 1915. The painting depicts a group of cheerful people sitting around a table, and I have always felt that it is one of Lallukka’s tables.

Helsinki, 8 June 2024, Jari Jula

Thank you
The exhibition is supported by the Juho and Maria Lallukka Artists’ Home Foundation.

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