Kalle & Pauliina Turakka Purhonen
Paintings and drawings in Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari 1
The most important thing is to be present: there to tell the older children to get off to school and take the youngest to kindergarten. In time to pick them up in the afternoon, at home at night listening, seeing and holding them.
The residence periods are moments of intense concentration on own thoughts and work. Lovely breaks in the daily routine but also tough, since there are no chores to stop the sinking into work and brooding.
In autumn 2011, in Kökar Åland, I for the first time concentrated on drawing landscapes. It felt natural to go around drawing the beautiful island. In spring 2012 we got a recidency in Oaxaca, Mexico. Drawing was a great way to spend time in the streets observing another kind of a world. For this exhibition I drew yet again in Kökar in autumn 2012. After the recidencies the drawing process has continued a while at home in Merihaka Helsinki.
Drawing is a dialogue between myself and the outside world. Getting exited, concentrated and aware of my presumptions. An analytical construction with ink and brush. I cannot step back, only work forward in a fearless state of mind. The pictures get done in a day or five – except for the ”Mika of Kökar” and the ”Ventilation balcony of Merihaka” I did some scetching beforehand. ”The Russian buoy” also travelled through a more complicated path.
I open a package of crackers and a tin of sardines. Wash it down with a cup of instant coffee. I stack the dishes on top of the pile in the sink. No worries to speak of, besides the everchanging weather. I try to keep up with it, paint green, then the snow that melts before I´m done with the painting; the following storm that throws my easel like a kite and rips the last of the leaves off branches.
I eat beans with rice and tortillas for the third day in a row. No complaints on the menu… The mornings are cool. I pack my drawing book in a back pack and hike up the mountain. Older gentleman run past me on the Escalaras de Fortin and rush back down before I´m done panting half way up. On the mountain I draw the crooked trees and the view, getting lost in tangles of branches and the mass of houses and streets in the city beneath me.
Kalle: 0400 909757 / Pauliina: 0400 965699
kalleturakkapurhonen(at)gmail.com / t.urakka(at)yahoo.dk
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari
Makasiini L3
Tyynenmerenkatu 6 (ent. Hietasaarenkuja 6), Helsinki
Tram nr 9 to stop ”Bunkkeri”, walk back towards the city ca 100 m, magasin L3 is a very big brick red buildng on you right side, you can´t miss it.