Andrew Colbert
Line by Line
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari – Uusi Jätkä
10.2. – 4.3.2018
My recent abstract drawings and paintings focus on line, repetition, and systems that accumulate to patterns. Some systems and repetition are intuitive while others are conceptual. The Moiré effect is a repeated motif in the paintings and allows me to explore optical color mixture and spatial illusion that create both dissonance and harmony in the paintings. The paintings have roots in Op art of the 60’s and the Pattern and Decoration movement of the 70’s and 80’s focusing primarily on visual experience and formalism. I use meandering imperfect hand drawn and taped lines to distance the paintings from the computer driven design that we are bombarded with daily. The finished works communicate a range of ideas from the purely visual to finite narratives.
Andrew Colbert (b. 1979, Michigan U.S.A.) lives and works in Helsinki. He earned his MFA in painting from Rutgers University in 2008 and his BFA from Kutztown University in 2006. Andrew has had solo and group shows in Pennsylvania, New York, and Miami. This will be his first solo show in Finland.
Further information:
Email: colb0679(at)
Phone: +358 44 972 5535