Minna Suoniemi
LOVE STORY video work
Galleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu
I asked someone to hit me in the face. It was harder to hit that to be hit. It’s easier to stab with words, even if I would like to be good. Whose fault is it, if there’s no love.
My work often focuses on people as social creatures with their human feelings and failures. The 3 new video pieces in Galleria Huuto examine romantic relationship and love. In love, as in life generally, time gloryfies memories and the melancholy strikes after love has gone, at least when you’re drunk. Melancholy and drunk is a tragic, embarressing and sad combination. LOVE SONG is a work about the sadness of giving up, a drunk performance.
In DUEL a man and a woman are wrestling on a grass field. Psycically strained to the extreme, they resample animals: desire to win becomes a basic instinct. In the exhibition I show romantic love as a tragicomic and tragical phenomenon, but remain humble. I try not to be ashamed of what I feel.