Raisa Raekallio & Misha Del Val
’That’s Right, Hold My Hand’ Said the Lumberjack to the Limping Buddha
På kristi himmelfärds dagen 26 mai 2022 är Huuto stängt.
Philosopher: So, what do you want?
Skier: I don’t remember anyone having asked me that before.
The Clown, the Pilot and the Samurai: We want to be free!
Sunday painter: I assumed I wanted, you know, the typical, liberation, fulfilment, ummm enlightenment… having a bit of fun perhaps.
R&M: We just want to make decent paintings.
Samoyed: I want freedom, tell me what to do.
Philosopher: Good. Now, why don’t you just be still? (Her smile embraced the whole universe)
Cossack: But how do I do that? What do I have to do??
Skier: Maybe I don’t speak for nine years…
Samoyed: I won’t even move!
Old Lady Playing Cards: I’ll hold my breath from now on (getting purple)
Philosopher: Stop that silly-billy. Relax, just let be.
R&M: But we’re afraid, If we’re still, if we let go… We’ll regress to square one. We’ll be a failure all over again!
Soul: Ay a fear of losing myself, of losing my core, of going to pieces, something inhuman, is taking over me…
Philosopher: Let be, my dear. It’s just Life, doing its thing.
Samurai: I try! I try! I try!
Sauron: Come together, let’s hold hands.
For a moment, the company came to a halt. It allowed itself to be afraid, confused, joyful, tired. The scary music just played its part. The surface of the lake became still and transparent.
Philosopher: Ok, good, what do you want now?
Phillip Glass: I don’t… want anything… right now…
The boundaries between beings became bit blurred.
Cossack: Oh cut that bullshit. You need to be strong. if you are not with me, you are against us. Burp!
Clown: They laugh at me but I don’t mind. I have met the face of Christ, I have seen the headless, the deathless, Howl’s Moving Castle, our eyes were inflamed, our hearts pounding like rabbits, I have penetrated the gentle wisdom of trees.
Sunday painter and R&M: The vistas from here are really handsome!
Raisa Raekallio & Misha del Val är ett konstnärspar som bor och arbetar i Lappland. De har gjort konstnärliga samarbeten i form av målningar, teckningar, performance och podcaster sedan 2013. Parets arbete grundar sig på ömsesidigt förtroende, en delad konstnärlig sensibilitet och att de lyssnar på varandra och målningen som blir till.
Tack för stödet Suomen kulttuurirahasto och Centret för konstfrämjande