• Eeva Peura
  • Paperikivet
  • Nimetön
  • Hansikkaat
  • Hautapaikka
  • Eeva Peura
  • Eeva Peura

Eeva Peura

Painted Words

Viiskulma 18.4.-6.5.2012

The exhibition Painted Words consists of drawings, paintings and items. The starting points for the exhibition are narrative, surrealism and theatrical esthetics. Staging, roles and artificiality are used to tell the stories which are divided into two rooms, the stage and storage room of the imaginary theater, in the gallery space. In addition, the exhibition consists of dreams, nightmares, comedy, a story of a wise man from the east as well as clouds that the painter paints only to move the brush.

The material nature of the works (for example watercolors, gouache, oil paints, varnish, charcoal, collages and objects) and the differences between the works are a stylistic device. The paintings, drawings and objects are very different from each other, but the differences are what make them fascinating. Poetic connections, disconnections and the formation of new entities dominate the exhibition. However, everything is of equal value.

The name of the exhibition, Painted Words, refers to the narrative, poetic style and the ability to imagine, the will to grab words and “paint” with them. The poetic style is also a way to face reality. The works are striving for a dream-like, illogical and wild state.

Further information:
Tel. +358 40 7751 742