• Pauliina Waris: Raidat II, vesiväri paperille, 10 x 15 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Peittona II, vesiväri paperille, 210 x 150 cm (kuvassa yksityiskohta)
  • Pauliina Waris: Raidat I, vesiväri paperille, 56 x 76 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Peittona, yksityiskohta
  • Pauliina Waris: Peittona I; vesiväri paperille, 210 x 150 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Peittona II; vesiväri paperille, akvaario, vesi, pigmentti, 205 x 150 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Peittona II; vesiväri paperille, akvaario, vesi, pigmentti, 205 x 150 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: no 154–243; vesiväri paperille, petrimaljat, vesi, pigmentti, metallikärry
  • Pauliina Waris: Suihkukaapin vieressä I, öljy kankaalle, 62 x 45 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Onnea jokainen päivä, vesiväri paperille, 56 x 76 cm
  • Pauliina Waris: Unissasi rakennat vallihautoja rannoilla; hiekka, kahvinpurut, lasilevyt, yksityiskohta
  • Pauliina Waris: Unissasi rakennat vallihautoja rannoilla; hiekka, kahvinpurut, lasilevyt

Pauliina Waris

Blue Noise

Huuto II 12.9.-6.10.2024

Pauliina Waris
Blue Noise

I paint a sea, it becomes a blanket. I paint on paper, bigger than me. It is so big that I cannot reach the center when the paper lies on the floor.

The moment in between, like just before falling asleep when your sense of hearing becomes sharper and sleep is a feeling in your body. All sounds are near – being connected and separate at the same time. Am I separate from my sea, my blanket?

Then there was also landscapes by Peder Balke and poetry selected with unknown logic.

The exhibition features works that include e.g. watercolors on paper and recycled glass elements. Selective randomness and behavior of materials guided my work process, which moved freely and associatively from one work to another. The works are my reflections on insomnia, making friends with the color blue, the nature of time, intimate spaces, the connection between the body and mind, the relationships between wholes and fragments, and one’s attempts to control their reality by creating meanings, categories and boundaries.

Pauliina Waris is a Helsinki-based artist who works with painting. She makes everyday observations on the environment and examines them in her works. She is fascinated by the materiality of a painting, combining something tangible with something elusive.

Waris graduated from Free Art School in 2018 and earned her Master of Fine Arts degree at Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts in 2023. She has held exhibitions in Finland and Berlin.

Thank you
Paulo Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre Finland

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