• Pilvi Ojala
  • Aatami nimeää eläimet
  • Umilenie
  • Taivaan portilla
  • Sukupuu
  • Älä itke minua äiti

Pilvi Ojala


Uudenmaankatu 30.8.-10.9.2006

Pilvi Ojala
Galleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu

In my exhibition at the Gallery Huuto- Uudenmaankatu I am installing a kind of transparent pictures. These works are paintings which become visible when the light is projected from behind the canvas. Starting- point for this exhibition is the shadow theatre. On the other hand the source of my motivation has been the tradition of the Orthodox icon-painting from where I have selected some “scenes” and transferred them into my own life.

Pilvi Ojala
tel. 050 3791709

Exhibition is supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.