• Mari Mäkiö
  • Mari Mäkiö
  • Mari Mäkiö
  • Mari Mäkiö
  • Mari Mäkiö
  • Mari Mäkiö

Mari Mäkiö

Silent Room

Viiskulma 26.1.-13.2.2011

I am sitting still in this room. I try to be my body;
my toes, my heels, my legs, my knees, my thighs, my hips,
my stomach, my chest, my hands, my neck, my face. I try to be my breathing – the short inhalation and the longer exhalation.

I try not to be my thoughts that wander around this room.
I am neither the thought that is long gone from this space and time: nor the one that comes to my mind, desperate for attention.

Hiljainen huone is a space I have built to the premises of Galleria Huuto Viiskulma. The exhibition consists of private meditating experiences by other people and me. Someone immersed in their own experience meets a viewer who can only see a trace of the experience on the other person’s face.

Matters have an inside and an outside. An image can only tell so much about an inner experience, and a picture of a face is a shell we try to interpret. While the number of things that need interpreting decreases, those things are emphasized – a cough, a swallow, the opening of eyes.

Mari Mäkiö is a student of photography at the Aalto University School of Art and Design. Hiljainen huone is her first solo exhibition.

Ina Aaltojärvi is a student of sound design at the Department of Lighting and Sound Design at the Theatre Academy of Finland. She has designed the soundscape of the exhibition.

Additional info:
Mari Mäkiö, mari.makio(at)gmail.com, +358 40 733 6120