Welcome to Huuto’s member artists’s fair!
The last week of November you can also buy artworks and books and drink a warm glogg along with seeing the exhibitions.
The Art & Glogg event is open from Thursday to Sunday from noon until 5 pm.
You can pay conveniently with mobilepay or cash. The bought artworks you can take with you at once if you want.
We will have artworks at least from Laura Ukkola, Ville Välikangas, Saija Koponen, Beata Joutsen, Marja Viitahuhta, Elina Strandberg, Kaarina Ormio and Paula Puoskari. In addition the artists with exhibitions in Huuto at the moment, Petra Vehviläinen and Riikka Wesamaa will bring their works.
Also Satu Rautiainen’s eco-printed cotton sateen, and Leppola honey are available.
Have a look at the artworks and the artists involved on Huuto’s updated webpage and on our social media chanels.
Welcome to enjoy the atmosphere of the nearing Christmas!
Galleria Huuto
Galleria Huuto is an artist run space for art. Galleria Huuto is conducted by a non-profit collective Mehiläispesä ry – Bikupa rf, which consists of 124 artist members.
Galleria Huuto is focusing on professional and highly skillfull exhibitions at Galleria Huuto’s current location. Additionally Galleria Huuto executes artistic projects in Finland and abroad.