Anna Broms
Tap to tomato
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari, Jätkä 1
1.- 16.4.2017
The exhibition is open as usual over the Easter holidays.
“I press the brush vigorously against the canvas, as if drawing with a marker at our summer cottage a long time ago. I don’t fix what I have painted. I walk directly towards the landscape. I see things near and far at the same level. I wrap myself in items and events. The cotton of the pillowcase has worn thin. Which one of the threads holds it together? The sad train curtains comfort me. Tap to tomato is my mobile, tomato-red core in the middle of the world surrounding me.”
I paint in a brutally straightforward manner based on a comprehensive observation. The thing I paint comes so close that vision disintegrates. The outlines and shape disappear and only the color remains. I eliminate the perspective. I experience change, demolition and building. I wrap myself in items and events that ask, remind and suggest.
The exhibition has been funded by the Arts Promotion Centre.
Anna Broms
050-341 9015
Anna Broms: Tap To Tomato | Galleria Huuto | Timelapse