• Markku Arantila: NÄYTTÄMÖ
  • Punainen kala ja sokea lintu
  • Pieni näyttämö
  • Paratiisilintu
  • Palava jättiläinen ja toinen jättiläinen
  • Nainen ja apina
  • Jättiläinen
  • Hyvä paikka
  • Danny Kalifornia
  • Aurinkolaiva
  • Suuri näyttämö

Markku Arantila


Jätkä 1 3.1.-18.1.2015

Markku Arantila
Galleria Huuto Jätkä 1
3 – 18 January 2015

What good things are there to paint? This exhibition includes flowers, giants, birds of paradise, strange fish, pink clouds and other cute things, nothing unpleasant, except for Danny Kalifornia who is a bad man.

Actually those characters there are imaginary friends. Imaginary friends are advisers and leading figures or just entirely hopeless screw-ups.

I see my paintings as depictions of an old-time community center stage. The shaky scenery has been made of cardboard and placed carelessly wherever, the play does not run very smoothly and the plot is confusing. It is not always clear who is part of the play and who is standing on the stage for no reason. This is exactly how things go in real life too.

I decided to, for once, paint the stage too. Once I had painted it I was not able to place any actors there. I tried many times and it was always silent. Nobody wanted to be a made-up character in a play. They wanted to be real and stand in the paintings with fish and flowers because it is more real.

The truth is out there.

Further information:

Markku Arantila:
050 3448237