Anja Helminen
Vintage Catwalk
28.3. – 15.4.2012
Galleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu
The name of the photography exhibition, ”Vintage Catwalk”, refers to fashion, old designer clothes, movement and being looked at. I myself am the model in the photos. Being a model in photos is some kind of a performance. The only audience for my old-fashioned catwalk show was the occasional passers-by, crows and other wasteland creatures. A photograph gives a visible form to the model and the performance that together create an artwork. The photographs in the exhibition focus on a halted performance on the outskirts of different cities, but the landscape looks very much like the countryside. The model is often moving away with her back to the viewer. Even though there is a strong reference to fashion, the photographs do not follow the commercial posing style seen in
traditional fashion photos.
I have worked with the Vintage Catwalk theme since 2009. The exhibition features a collection of photographs from 2009 to 2012.
My exhibition ”Vintage Catwalk” is part the Helsinki Photography Biennial 2012 program.
More information:
tel. + 358 9 676330 |
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Open hours during Easter holidays:
Good Friday 6.4.2012: Open 12-16
Saturday 7.4.2012: Open 12-16
Easter Day 8.4.2012: Open 12-16