• Midsummer flowers in front of Galleria Huuto

In Galleria Huuto you can see exhibitions all the summer.

The exhibitions are open as normal, at 12-17, except on Mondays.

Until Sun 18 July you can see
Konsta Huusko’s, Meri Hallenberg’s & Liisa Kuusela’s, Vesa Hjort’s and Sanni Saari’s exhibitions.

Fri 23 Jul – 15 Aug we show
Milla Kuisma’s, Janni Rahkonen’s, Marjo Hallila’s and Outi Koivisto’s exhibitions.

Thu 12 Aug Katri Kainulainen will organise a performance event on our courtyard.


We wish you all a beautiful and refreshing summer where ever you are, city, countryside or offshore!